In the face of accelerating climate change and ongoing environmental degradation, reforestation — the restoration and creation of forests — is emerging as a critical strategy in the global effort to heal our planet. With billions of trees lost annually and most not being replanted, the need to replenish our green cover has never been …

Coronavirus – The Impending Doom?
Unless you are living under a rock, You must have heard about the Corona Virus or COVID-19. As of writing this article, it has killed almost 3100 people, affected more than 80000 people across 65 nations. Some are thinking this is similar to Spanish flu( which killed 25-39 million people worldwide) or Black Death (which …

Why Is The Past Important To The Future?
Past is not something that we need to experience and leave. There are multiple things we have to learn and make them stepping stones for the future. Let’s see why is the past important to the future. Past generation Just like how we ponder over the future of our next generation, our parent generation too …

Does life have a purpose? If yes, then what is the purpose of life?
What is the meaning of Life? Does life have a purpose? What is the purpose of life? These are the interesting questions I bet most of us get at some point in our life or at least when we are in trouble. It is important to question ourselves of what we are and what we …

Basic Theory For A Better Living
Basic Theory for a Better Living came from my own understanding life and not taken from any external sources. How to live a happy life? This is the most basic and interestingly the toughest question that everyone gets in one’s life journey. The answer is different for different people. Some people say earning money leads …

Differences between Simple Living, Minimalism, and Basic living
How do you differentiate Simple Living, Minimalism, and Basic Living? This is the interesting question and also the toughest. The reason is very obvious, three lifestyles are more similar than they are different. There is a very thin line between these three lifestyles and there are chances that this line may disappear in some situations. …